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Thyracont Vacuum Instruments GmbH

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Vacuum sensors/transducers/meters/switches/controllers/accessories/components

Company profile

Thyracont Vacuum Instruments has been developing, producing and distributing intelligent vacuum measurement technology Made in Germany for over 50 years.

Our product portfolio includes vacuum sensors, vacuum transducers, vacuum meters, vacuum switches, and controllers as well as accessories and vacuum components. Depending on your scope of tasks, we can offer a wide range of measuring principles in various combinations such as: piezo, Pirani, capacitive, cold cathode and hot cathode.

All Thyracont products are developed, manufactured and calibrated in Germany. Sophisticated test procedures assure that the measurement and control instruments meet highest demands in terms of long lifetime, reliability and precision.

Meet us at Booth B1858!


Thyracont Vacuum Instruments GmbH
Max-Emanuel-Str. 10, 94036 Passau, Germany
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