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Testonica Lab OÜ

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We help customers design and test high-quality FPGA-based products.

Company profile

Testing. Innovation. FPGAs.

Since 2005, we help our customers to design and test various electronic products. Our Quick Instruments framework, dedicated to the testing of FPGA-based PCBAs already keeps everyday costs down for many high-end customers around the globe, including leaders of industries like telecom, automotive, aerospace, defense, video processing, medical and more.

Testonica has 15+ years of experience delivering PCBA Test & Measumerent services, JTAG-based solutions, and FPGA development projects. Our technologies and products have a solid base in research & development. We invented and brought to market Embedded Virtual Instrumentation technology, a library of IEEE1687 reference benchmarks, and a pioneering IC health monitoring technology.


Testonica Lab OÜ
Akadeemia tee 15a, 12618 Tallinn, Estonia
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