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Mitsubishi Chemical Europe GmbH

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Science. Value. Life.

Company profile

Mitsubishi Chemical Group (MCG) offers a wide variety of products and solutions in performance products and industrial materials domains, leveraging its diverse expertise and technology platforms based on chemistry, https://www.mcgc.com/english/

For the semiconductor industry,  

Advanced Materials Division is a leading manufacturer of high-performance engineering thermoplastics, composites, fibers, and bio-based resins which include a wide range of products and solutions specifically designed for use in wet process, plasma chamber, dry environment, wafer handling and back-end test applications, https://www.mcam.com/en/industries/semiconductor-electronics

Semiconductor Solutions Department offers high purity cleaning and surface modification for semiconductor manufacturing equipment parts and other particle-sensitive applications, https://www.cleanpart.com/


Mitsubishi Chemical Europe GmbH