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HumiSeal Europe Ltd.

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The original creators of conformal coatings : HumiSeal® : For over 60 years.

Company profile

HumiSeal products enable customers to protect their electronic devices in a variety of harsh operating environments. They are used in multiple industries to protect these devices while maintaining each customer’s cost competitive advantages.

We encourage customers to partner with us in developing products that are tailored to their exact requirements.

As one of the original creators and innovators in conformal coatings, HumiSeal® pioneered and has continued to innovate this protective technology for over 60 years. Today, HumiSeal continues to make a material difference and is renowned for its technical leadership, energy, and vision. The team is dedicated to enhancing the customer’s production process and prides itself on offering critically enabling solutions for customers.

Product presentations

HumiSeal Product Range

HumiSeal Product Range


HumiSeal Europe Ltd.
505 Eskdale Road, Winnersh RG41 5TU, Great Britain
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